Starting with what I did not like about this mini series because it is front of mind, and I am naturally critical. Reality is multi dimensional, and a good balance of reality is necessary for me. As soon as a story becomes facile, I lose interest. Some audiences don't respond well to being confronted with bad things that might happen, but when good people never do bad things, or at least only do bad things to bad people who deserve it, then reality is being fucked with. So the Holloway mother killed the man because he was strangling her until she passed out (and sexual violence can easily be assumed), but she only resorted to killing him when he started strangling (and I suppose the other thing) her son did she resort to murdering him. Of course people are dying all over the place in the show, and tho I can assume that the initial murdered man had a wealthy family which is why she had a bounty on her head, still why she only felt remorse, or at least a need to defend her actions with murdering the original man is not believable. What would have rung more true would be that in a fit of unjustified anger or panic she murdered an innocent person, but for the sake of her son, evaded the justice to live with the guilt she legitmately owns. Confronting an audience like this is a risk, but it can pay off. If you avoid tragedy, you lose credibility.