Christmast Day 2021
The traditional Australian BBQ by the beach I thought a little hard living about 30kms from the coast in Parramatta, buuut, there is Parramatta lake which is just a 10 minute drive. This lake is man made by a damn wall placed at the eastern side of the river. It shelves off pretty quickly to 2m deep, and then who knows how deep it is. The kids life jackets make me feel a little easier, and the water is warm in the first 50cms or so. I took my hand paddles and goggles, and dove to about 4m, but at that depth, it is pitch black, freezing and a bit scary. The water is clean though, and the scene is idyllic. The smell of BBQ, happy chatter, and not too many people. Coming here was a really nice idea.

Lets go to the beach Gareth

The commodore has Dickie seats in the back, which makes it a 7 seater. This comes in pretty handy.

The commodore has Dickie seats in the back, which makes it a 7 seater. This comes in pretty handy.

The council dumped a heap of sand in the entrance, so it is not muddy or slimy at all. Still, you gotta tread carefully, as it is stoney.

You can also hire peddle boats. The lake is about the size of Roth Park Lake, but much deeper.

You can also hire peddle boats. The lake is about the size of Roth Park Lake, but much deeper.
Then we came home to open presents

Then back home, we get to open presents. Gareth goes first.

WOW! A Truck with a forklift on a trailer! Thanks Mum!

WOW! A Truck with a forklift on a trailer! Thanks Mum!

What's this?

Yay! Frozen!

Yay! Frozen!

What has David and Jan got for me

A family of geeks know that you never grow up.

A family of geeks know that you never grow up.

Thanks Krystal

What's this from Krystal...Maltesers! How did you guess?

No Gareth. These are mummy's

No Gareth. These are mummy's

YAY! I love Christmas.

YAY! I love Christmas.

Lets build that Robot

Gareth lends a hand. The forced smile is because I was testing the smile detect on my camera, which can be insensitive in low light.

Gareth lends a hand. The forced smile is because I was testing the smile detect on my camera, which can be insensitive in low light.

And then come the evening, the kids can be a bit hard to put down.....