Christmas Eve 2021
Wot I did in me 'olidays. This is the Thorne family Sydney, and some pics and videos. This year I have alternated an intense focus on work, family and finance. In lockstep with the conveyor belt of responsibility I have been in need of a break. Because I had not had a chance to organize a trip away this year because of one thing and another, I felt a spiteful urge to work thru Chrismas. Thank goodness I got a grip on myself and took the default Christmas break as it was offered. A week later, and I already feel more relaxed. My site now facilitates a series of blog posts. This is my first test of this, though there are only two in this series the first being Christmas Eve. there is a button to the next in the footer of this page.

December the 24th, my second day off work, and I still did not have the mode changed in my brain to HOLIDAY, when Novem came up with the idea of a trip to Luna Park

Like a rite of passage, the first stop was the Ferris Wheel.

Like a rite of passage, the first stop was the Ferris Wheel.

Mummy daughter selfies

Can it really be Christmas if it is not snowing?

Can it really be Christmas if it is not snowing?

Then the Volare

Gareth pointed to this ride. He is pretty fearless for the fairground rides.

Gareth pointed to this ride. He is pretty fearless for the fairground rides.

Tango Train. That day the park was failry empty, so we were the only ones on it, and got a slow ride

The baby rides are also popular with the kiddies.

The baby rides are also popular with the kiddies.

Dad, this is not scary at all.......

..... I can see our house from here.....

..... I can see our house from here.....

And of course, Coney Island and the big slides

Ready..... Set........WHEEEEEEEE!

Ready..... Set........WHEEEEEEEE!

Then it's time to wind down. Am I cool daddy?

Eat some Icecream. Awwww...... yuuuuk!

Eat some Icecream. Awwww...... yuuuuk!