Articles Presented As Report

Internet Security
Draft OnlyInternet Security28/02/2025
Terminology Generates Paradigm Preconceptions
Draft OnlyAcademic articles are precise in their terminolgy and the definitions remain fairly constant. Google is not that way. There is no governing body, no peer review, just a very loud voice that tells us that FastAPI is fast, Javascript is Synchronous by default and NGINX is better than Apache. The ability to make things true by saying they are true is believed to be in Google's hands.28/09/2024
JavaScript is Synchronous
Draft OnlyI saw my first JavaScript code on the previous system administrator's page at The University of Sydney. It was the Springfield three eyed fish from the Simpsons in an animated picture showing moving eyes. I am pretty sure this was not an animated GIF, and I remember looking at the code and not being able to work out what it could do. I put it down to not having programmed anything for years after taking a more hands on role in computer support. I realize now though that I could not understand it because it was gibberish.13/01/2024
Microservices and Monoliths
Draft OnlyEvery now and then, the industry I work in comes up with a new buzword which fails in describing the thing it represents. I am starting out on my Microservices journey, and these are my first impressions.04/12/2023
NSW Cuboree 2023 Update 29th July
Draft OnlyMessage from Lauren13/08/2023
NSW Cuboree 2023
Draft OnlyCuboree "Explore the World" will be held between the 29th September and 3rd October 2023 at Cataract Scout Park.13/08/2023
Krystal's Test
Draft OnlyHi para04/08/2021